Our expertise

An artisanal method


S, like Selection of the fruits: our jams are made with fruits that come from the best

C, like cooking in small quantities: this is how the heat is distributed and the gustatory
qualities are preserved.
The cooking is made with fire in copper cauldrons for a best heating quality and with
opened cauldrons to let the water evaporate itself.

E, like exigency of savour and quality: by using the maximum of fruits as possible
(minimum 60%) and white crystal sugar (40%) without adding any glucose.

Confitures Artisanales des Monts d’Arrée, Z.A. du Vieux Tronc – 29690 HUELGOAT - - [email protected] N°SIRET: 347 956 526 000 37 - N° TVA:FR 16 347 956 526
the company :

Professionals :


homemade jams

homemade jellies

organic jams
Gourmandise des 4 saisons


Accompagnements pour fromages
